Saturday, February 27, 2010

Random pictures...

Syndey LOVE'S Toy Story. She asks to watch it every waking minute of the day. Woody is her favorite. As you can see from the big smile on her face, she was watching Woody while holding Woody. We also have a Buzz doll, but she doesn't care for him as much.
This was today, the kids thought it would be fun to play dress-up-Rory kept insisting he was wearing Daddy's jeans, but they were mine... It was hilarious watching him tromp all over the house in Daddy's shoes.
My Sister-in-law Lynnette made these awesome dinosaur towels for the kids, their names are even monogrammed on each one. Thanks again Lynnette!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Kim's-Going Private

Hey everyone-if you read this blog, just leave me a comment with your e-mail(or if you have my personal e-mail already, just e-mail me) and let me know if you want to be added to my list of readers that can access my blog. I am going to make this blog private at the end of the week. Thanks!

Monday, February 22, 2010

In need of some new hair accessories? WIN SOME!!!

I did a review for a great company,, and they have generously offered to give away $25 dollars worth of surprise hair accessories to one of my courageousmother readers. Just go to :
Just leave me a comment to win! A winner will be chosen on Friday!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Life's a Beach

The weather has been gorgeous this week, hovering around the 80's and sunny and clear. So we have been enjoying it!
Monday we spent the morning at a lake near our house, and fed ducks and played. Sorry, no pictures, but then we went to Balboa Park and visited the Train Museum and had a picnic at the playground.

Today we headed to the beach. Other than literally being attacked by seagulls while eating our lunches, it was a great morning.

My dear friend Jayda and her beautiful daughter Rachel...thanks for joining us Jayda and Rachel!!

Another giveaway? What?! Is she crazy?

Another giveaway!! No I'm not crazy, I just like you guys to win cool stuff for free. Please check my other blog for the giveaway, $25 worth of hair accessories from Make sure to leave a comment and follow my blog!!

Birthday Boy

Rory turned 4 yesterday! I still can't believe that 4 years ago, he was a brand new baby. Wow. It seems like yesterday. All of you Mom's, why does it go so fast? I kept thinking the day before his birthday that he'd NEVER be 3 again. It was sad and exciting all at the same time. I also was thinking about all he's done and learned in 4 short years, and all he'll keep learning.
He's definitely learning to puch Mommy's buttons, and pressing all limits. He backtalks, is a smart aleck, and can be a bully. BUT, he is also a kind and caring little boy, is worried about other people, is the most curious person I know, learns at a very fast pace, is extremely bright(he's doing awesome at sounding out and reading words, which we work on almost daily), gives the best hugs and kisses, and is the funniest person you'll meet. He is constantly asking about Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost, and wants to know everything about them and why we need to know them. If we ever forget to read scriptures, he always reminds us. And he always says the family prayer. He's setting a great example for his sister.
He repeats the same question a million times, and just recently I asked him why he did that. I said "Rory, you don't need to ask me the same thing over and over, especially if you know the answer, it can be a little annoying sometimes." Yes, a little bit of a harsh answer from me, but trust me, if someone asks you why a new Walgreens is being built on the corner EVERY time we pass it(atleast once or twice a day), it gets annoying. Anyways, his answer surprised me and made me realize I need to not be so harsh. He said "Mom, I only keep asking you the same thing because I want to know what you think."
Anyways, on Rory's birthday, he was excited about all the presents and gifts he got, but I gotta say, I recieved the best gift...4 years ago when he was born, and am blessed enought to have him everyday.

Opening presents on his Birthday morning. He got a new Monster truck and two board games from Mom and Dad.
He wanted donuts for breakfast, so off we went. The man working at the donut store even gave him a free donut for his Birthday.
We went to mcDonald's for lunch with a handful of his friends, I forgot to take pictures, but for dinner he picked Cici's. I don't do Birthday parties, so they get to decide where they eat and what we do for the day(within reason!). Anyways, Cici's is a bit of a drive for us, it's about 30 minutes south from our home,but we really like to eat there, so we went. Mema and Grandpa Drury and Aunt Lynnette and Kaydence came with us. We gorged ourselves on pizza and salad and cinnamon rolls and brownies.
Mema and Grandpa got Rory 3 more monster trucks and a race car game for the Wii. Aunt Lynnette made Rory and Sydney both dinosaur towels. I'll post pictures later. They are ADORABLE!!

Rory's monster truck cake.
All in all, he had a really fun day!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Win It! Check it out

Check out my other blog to see a product review on a girl's best friend...okay, okay, some girl's best friend, maybe not everyone's! But the best part, leave a comment to win!

More reviews and giveaways to come, too!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


So I haven't posted in a few weeks, we've been busy, and then last week we all got really bad colds, and Rory's turned in pnuemonia this week, and Sydney has a nasty case of snot dripping from her nose. So needless to say, we've been stuck in the house since last Friday. :( NOT FUN at all!!  Hopefully everyone will be ready to get out by next week.
On to the pictures!!

Okay, first of all, I just had to show you my beautiful baby's hair. It's getting really long with the curls and, I wish I had her hair!! Sydney is one gorgeous little girl. Unfortunately, when we try to do anything to her hair, like put it in a cute ponytail, or comb it, or put a little clip or barrette in it, she immediately rips it out. So most of the time her hair is a little disheveled. All well.
Feeding ducks at the park...
And swinging.
Sydney loves her puppy..she carries him, or one of her many other dogs or dolls around. Her other favorite right now is Woody from Toy Story, or Nemo from Finding Nemo. We have a Woody doll, and she sleeps with him, and a Nemo book that she sleeps with. Silly girl. And let's just say all we do it watch Toy Story and Finding Nemo.
At the Mormon Batallion Center in Old Town(with Mema on the cannon):
Oops-sorry for the sideways picture, but with Mema, Aunt Lynnette, and Kaydence on the covered wagon.
Visiting our friend Izzy:
Mema took Rory bowling this past weekend for his first time. Unfortunately Micah and I were too sick to go, wish I could have been there! She said he did so good!!
Since we've been inside for almost a week, we've been watching lots of movies, plying lots of Wii games, making forts, and eating non-stop(okay, that was just me mostly). Anyways, here are the kids in their "nests" watching a movie.
Water play in the sink is always a hit...
And of course good old tickle time with Daddy.
Sydney and her cousin Kaydence and Grandpa Drury.