Thursday, December 3, 2009

Yumm...or so he thinks.

My wonderful Mother-In-Law has a great tradition of making ornaments for the kids each year, and a new Christmas book. She gives them to us each Thanksgiving. Each year I put away the Christmas books after Christmas is over, and Rory asks me how long he has to wait to get them out again. So obviously Christmas decorating was much anticipated this year, because it meant not only getting out his collection of Grandma Kim Christmas books and ornaments, but new ones, too.
This year for the ornaments, she had a Gingerbread Boy and Girl. Rory has been obsessed with Gingerbread men lately. He sings the gingerbread man song all the time(Run, run, as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread man!), he asks everyday if it's time to make Gingerbread men cookies(tomorrow if the big day!!), and pretends to be a Gingerbread man. I'm not quite sure where this obsession came from, but it's certainly funny and cute.
Anyways, at the beginning of the week, I awoke to this:

Yes, Rory took a bite out of the Gingerbread girl. No, it's not actually a real gingerbread's some type of hard foam. I'm not sure if he swallowed it or not..he wouldn't give a clear answer. ;)


Demarcus Family said...

That's hilarious!!!
BTW, very cool tradition!

Debye said...

How funny, my husband must think I am crazy because I totally burst out laughing! That is sooooo something one of my boys would do too!