Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My cuties...

Rory loves his sister...just thought this was cute....they both just woke up from napping and Sydney still looks half asleep here!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fun with Dad

Bathing Beauty
Rory treats everyone likes a jungle gym...here he is riding on Daddy like a horsey. And Miss Sydney LOVES baths...she splashes and gets the biggest smiles when she hits that water. She and her brother both are definite water babies...maybe Olympic swimmers in the making?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Jumping on...

the bandwagon that is...and starting a blog. We're going to make it easier for everyone to spy on our daily happenings, or at least what I post on here. Anyways, we're living in Poway, Micah stays busy with hardwood(laying floors that is...), teaching Primary, disc golf, and keeping me happy, and I stay busy taking care of our rambunxious and hilarious 2 year old son Rory, our new baby girl Sydney, keeping everyone fed, bathed, clothed, entertained, and, well, that's all I seem to have time for lately(wow, I'm pretty boring, huh?). Everyday is an unknown adventure, but we're loving every minute of it.