Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Big Boy!!

Rory in the car on the way to Outback with Mom, Dad, Syd, and Mema and Grandpa...I had to sit in our tiny seats in the very rear...it was funny watching me climb in and out through the back hatch area of our 4Runner... Thought this was cute!! Looking for some of his trains...
His big boy underwear!!
She looks surprised...
Rory giving his sister some love tonight before bed.

So, Rory is still doing great with potty training!! He wore his big boy underwear all afternoon without ANY accidents, and went to the bathroom all by himself, no problems. We're so proud!! So hopefully I won't ever have to buy any more diapers for that boy. I know kids can regress, so I won't be surprised if that happens, but still, I'm soooo happy!!!
We're getting over all sort of illnesses here at the Kim home, I came down with some kind of virus or something yesterday and was miserable all afternoon/evening(throat felt like someone was stabbing me, high fever, sore body, chills,etc.), so to say the least, I wasn't feeling good. Anyways, aside from a few aches and pains today, I feel 100% better. Unfortunately, Micah now has whatever I had, so hopefully he'll be all better tomorrow, and Sydney I think isn't feeling good, either...uugghhh. She got her first two teeth this past weekend!! Friday her front bottom right, and yesterday her front bottom left. She's growing so fast, and we took her to the doctor today, and she already weighs 19 lbs. 10 oz...our little chunker!(At only 5 1/2 months old, Rory didn't weight that much until he was 13 months old).
So we scheduled an appointment for Rory to get tubes put in his ears, he has had a total of 6 ear infections since September, and the last one(as of last week), was a doozy. A double infection, and he can't hear too well, which has been frustrating to say the least. I keep having to remind myself that it's not his fault when he says "what, what? Did you say something, Mom?" every time I say anything(trust me, very irritating after a while).
I can't wait for winter to be over so we can all get healthy...all of these weather changes from hot to cold aren't helping anyone. That's about it for us...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New President, New Country?

Just some of my thoughts on President Obama, and President Bush signing off... I guess I just feel that people have given President Bush a harder time than he deserves. I mean, think about it, with the way the world is today, especially in politics, he was a good president. Yes, the financial world seems to be flailing, but in all reality, he doesn't have much to do with that personally. As far as the War in Iraq, he made the best choice he deemed fit for the situation. Does the President ever really have full responsibility in any decision that is made about our country? No.
I guess I just admire President Bush because from what we as a country are able to see of him, and hear of him, he's a decent man, an honest man(or atleast as honest as any politician, maybe more so when said like that), and he stands by his decisions. People don't like him for various reasons, but I still like him. If he had only served one term, and had re-run this time around, I would have voted for him in a heartbeat over anyone else that was running. I may not keep up with every little thing that is happening in Washington, but from my standpoint, he deserves to have the respect of our Country.
As far as my opinion on President Obama, ask me in 4 years. Everyone deserves a chance.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Monster Jam Rory

Rory and Daddy.
Rory and Grandpa, this is the truck he got to bring home in toy form...it's funy to hear him repeat the names of the trucks...El Toro Loco and Grave Digger.

Hey Grandpa, Rory wants a 4-wheeler for Christmas this year!
With Uncle Jarrod in front of a supersized fire truck.
In front of a Delorian...

Rory got to go to Monster Jam last night with Grandpa, Daddy, and his Uncles. He had so much fun! He got home last night and couldn't stop talking about it, and then as soon as he woke up this morning, couldn't stop either. It was cute, the first thing out of Rory's mouth this morning was "I had so much fun at the Monster trucks Daddy! Thank you so much for taking me!" Even though it was really Grandpa that "took" him, it was pretty sweet.
He came home with lots of goodies,like a new t-shirt and a new toy monster truck. He now has a poster of the Grave Digger next to his bed, too. Looks like this will be a new yearly thing. While the boys were all away, Sydney and I went to Mema's house and hung out with all the girls(Kathryn, Lynnette, Kasey, Ashley, Marcy, and Kaydence), and we watched 27 Dresses and ate chinese food to our hearts content. it was so much fun! We're so blessed to have such a wonderful family, and that we live so close and see each other so often. Keith and Lynnette and kaydence came over for dinner on Friday night and we played Wii Fit all night, and tried to outdo each other. Thanks guys!!
So, Rory is almost to double digits for the number of time he's pooped in the potty! We're so proud of him. We're planning our Disneyland Trip for sometime around his birthday next month...look for pictures coming soon after we get back!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Oh, and an update..

Rory is one poop away from going to Disneyland!! I'm so proud!! Wonder if he'll keep it up after he gets his reward?

First solid food meal!!

Yumm!Already feeding herself.

She loves to stick her toes in her mouth.

Sydney got her first taste of something other than breast milk today. Here's some photos of my first attempt at feeding her(dumb me forgot to put a bib on her...I've forgotten what it's like feeding a little baby). She had some rice cereal, and really took right to it like a champ. I was planning on waiting another 2 or 3 weeks until she turned 6 months, but I've noticed that the last month or two she's really interested in food in general, and watches us eating like she's starving to death(which by the look of all of those rolls on her thighs, she must be). Anyways, next we start some veggies...I bought a ton of fresh fruit and vegetables, so we can experiment over the next week. I made most of my own baby food with Rory, and hope to do that again with Sydney.

Also, not sure who designed those baby bathtubs(couldn't they have come up with a better design?), but Sydney has always had a hard time sitting/laying in it, so I moved her into the big bathtub, I just layed a towel down and another folded up for her head and filled the tub up so it went half way up her body when she was laying down. She seemed a lot happier than all cramped in that tiny tub! Anyways, Rory spent the afternoon/evening with his Grandpa, so he came home nice and tired, and he even brought me home a strawberry lemonade for Soup Plantation..what a sweetheart. It's always nice to have a little break from him so I can take a nap and spend some one on one time with Sydney, but boy do I miss him a few hours after he's gone...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sydney's first time on the swings at the park...she loved it! She didn't want to smile for the camera.
Sydney's cousin Kaydence came to visit along with her Aunt Lynnette(Kaydence's Mommy) and Aunt Kasey and Aunt Kathryn on Friday night for a girl's night. Kaydence is 6 weeks younger than Sydney, her built in best friend. They were enjoying just hanging out.
Aren't they cute?
On the trolly at thr park, the steam engine won't be running for a couple months. Rory loves the steam engine.
Dad and the kids.
He pooped!! yay!!
Yay! Rory finally went poo poo on the potty! We started a potty chart for him, where he gets stickers for going pee or poo on the toilet, and if he gets three stickers he gets to pick a prize out of the prize jar(little matchbox cars, lollipops, animal crackers, etc.). And if he gets 5 poops, Micah has promised we will take him to Disneyland(not my idea, i think it should be more like 50 poops before that happens...but whatever.) Rory wants to go to Disneyland, but not bad enough to poop on the toilet...so we were super excited that he did tonight, just one more step in the right direction!!
Yesterday we went to the park and rode the train and had a picnic, so that was fun, and last night I got a much needed night out with my friends, we went to my favorite restaurant Miami Grille, and then went to the movies and saw a chick flick"Bride Wars." I'm usually not a huge fan of the typical girly movie, but it's a nice change every so often. I felt a little "un-feeling"(what's a better word, other than obtuse...it's not coming to me!!) when all three of my friends(and what sounded like all the other women in the theatre) were sniffling on either side of me, and I was sitting there thinking"oh please, it's so obvious what's going to happen next in this cheesy movie.." But Rosa, Luisa and Rachael(because I know you'll read this), I loved being with you, and that was the most important thing!! I'm so lucky to have such wonderful girlfriends!!! And dangit, I had my camera to take a picture of us out having a ball, so when in a few weeks I'm complaining I don't ever get out of the house by myself, I can look at the photo and remember I actually do get the opportunity, but I forgot to snap a photo in all the fun we were having.
Anyways, on to a new week!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sleep is great!!

This was hime tonight, he likes to eat snacks in bed before sleeping, guess he was too tired to eat...(remember the peanut butter and jelly sanwich picture from a few months ago?)
I think she's thinking, "Dad, your really lame.." Guess this won't be the last time she thinks that thought.

Some pics of sleeping kids...Rory sleeps with the strangest things...and today he started Joy School(a really fun little school that the Mom's the kids involved teach...my turn in coming soon!!). Me and some of my best friends are all doing it, and at first I was a little reluctant to do it(all those 3 year olds!!!), but now I'm really excited. Rory had a blast on his first day, and the first thing he did when we walked into Tara's house was notice the girls were getting dressed up, and he said"MOM!!! I don't wanna wear a dress!!!" Guess I won't have to worry about him cross dressing. ;)
Anyways, Happy New Year to everyone, hope 2009 is the best year yet for everyone. I was listening to a radio commercial recently, and they were saying that the following morning, they were going to have people call in and tell them why 2008 was the most horrible year they had experienced, and why they are looking forward to 2009. I just had to chuckle, as I really believe each year is better than the last, no matter what transpires throughout the year. Yes, every year brings new trials or problems, but each new year also brings great and wonderful blessings. I guess I cannot honestly say that 2008 was not a difficult year, but it was still the best year I have ever had in my life, and I know that at the end of 2009, I'll say that 2009 was the best. 2008 brought a beautiful healthy baby girl into our family, and that on it's own makes it perfect, and makes all the bad things seem non-existent. So if you were apart of my 2008, thank you for making it such a good year, and I hope you'll be part of my 2009, too.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Dad offered her some root beer, but as you can see, she was checking with me first... Pretty Princess.

Rory wanted to wash dishes...so, I let him!

Rory dancing to his favorite song..the "Move it, move it" song as he refers to it.