Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rory's recovery

He had a tough week. He awoke on Tuesday morning at about 2:30 complaining that his stomach was hurting really bad. He was writhing in pain, so I rushed him over to the Pomerado emergency room. He had been running a fever for close to a week, so that was a big concern, and he had swollen lymph glands and tonsils(which he had had for the week, too), so obviously something was happening in his body. The doctor ran every blood test he could think of, had him x-rayed, checked his urine(he almost had to have a catheter, but when he started screaming when they were about to insert it, I refused it, thankfully Rory finally got some pee out for us!)
We were in the emergency room until 9 am(from 2:45am), and the doctor's wanted to have him transported to Children's for further testing. The doctor suspected something called Kawasaki's disease(what the heck is that, I asked?)I later found out that was an extreme long shot since the only symptoms he had was the fever, tummy ache and swollen lymph glands, which could be ANYTHING. I guess with this other disease, he would have some other prominent symptoms, like a strawberry tongue, sores on his hands and feet, etc...he had no other symptoms. Anyways, they got us in an ambulance,and thankfully my brother and Micah were able to come right before and give him a Priesthood blessing.

Daddy, Sydney and Uncle Keith watching us leave in the ambulance...
I rode to Children's with him(how exciting, an ambulance ride!). He was afraid to get in at first, but as soon as we left, he said "remember when I said I wouldn't like to ride in an ambulance? Well, I do now!!"
As soon as we got to Children's, a whole slew of doctor's came though, asked me every question they could think of about Rory, his symptoms, his diet, his bathroom habits, his daily activities, who he had been around lately, his past medical records and illnesses,etc...they were extremely thorough.
They gave him a IV(which was a nightmare for both of us), a TB test(which he decided didn't hurt after they did it), and wouldn't let him eat or drink anything until every test had been run. It's the hardest thing when your child is begging you to eat or drink when they hadn't had anything since the day before. It truly broke my heart to say no, you have to be hungry and thirsty.

The doctor's all said to expect to be there for a few days(until he got better or any other symptoms came up so they could figure out what was wrong). At that point, we were both extremely tired and hungry(I wasn't going to eat or drink anything unless my son could). I was on the verge of breaking down, but felt comforted, and knew everything would be just fine. Rory and I both said many prayers(and I knew everyone that was aware of what was going on did the same for us), and I  knew that Heavenly Father was watching over Rory.I was completely confident that he would make a quick and full recovery. I was also worried about Sydney, because she had started running a fever on Monday evening, and didn't know if she had the same thing as Rory, or it was just a coincidence. She also got a Priesthood blessing on Tuesday afternoon, and Wed. morning, Rory and I awoke in the hospital, and I immediately knew he was completely better. I mean 100%! He was jumping around, acting normally, full of energy, and wanted to know when he could play video games.
The doctor's and nurses made the rounds, and couldn't believe that his fever was gone, his stomach didn't hurt, and he was healthy. They discharged us after lunch. I got home, and Sydney's fever was completely gone, too. Both kids are healthy,and it's like no one was ever sick. The first thing we did? Said a prayer of thanks for our kids recovering and for getting us through the ordeal. And for such wonderful Doctor's and nurses who took such good care of us both!

Smoked out of our scavenger FHE

We decided to do a scavenger hunt a couple weeks ago for was a lot of fun! Unfortunately, the winds were blowing right in our direction, and blew the smoke from a large brush fire right into our fun. It got so smokey, we had to leave. It was quite an adventure, though!

Bocce, Ducks and Swings

A few different park days we enjoyed (okay, this is a very small snippet, considering we literally go to a park EVERY day. We rarely miss a visit. I was justt hinking, we visit about 12-14 different parks on a regular basis, that are all here in Poway. How lucky is it that we have so mnay nice parks around us? Most within walking distance, too? Who needs a yard when you have a park, right?
Playing Bocce ball...
Tricycle and scooter riding and more...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

More from the busy week that never ends....

We've been a busy bunch this past week-here's some highlights:

(Monday-Memorial day, Micah had to work, so Rory spent the day with Mema and Syndey and I spent some girl time together going to the park, and then to McDonald's(or "Donno's" as she calls it,her favorite aside from Rubio's, she LOVES fish tacos). Note-she kept her pigtails in for almost the entire morning...a new record! Although, 6 minutes would be a record.

Daddy got home so we went to the park and had a picnic and played:

We got to do a Harbor tour thanks to my friend Leticia, and Rory and her son Gene always have a great time together. It was a lot of work taking all of our kids on the boat, but it was fun:

Daddy called and said he saw our boat just after we went under the Coronado bridge. He was on the bridge driving to a job. Funny!!
Pooped out. That's how I felt.

Today was another fun day of enjoying the beautiful weather, we spent it at Mission Bay park with our friend Jayda and her little girl Rachel, unfortunately no pictures, but after we went to Rory's last swim lesson(for now, more coming up soon). He got to jump off the diving board, which is always exciting. He kept asking to go again. Time constraints let him go twice:

Some after dinner dessert-yum! Sydney deserved it after what happened. After swim lessons today we went out to the playground to play for a few minutes like usual, and she ran in front of a little girl swinging and got kicked right in the nose. The little girl was much bigger than Sydney, unfortunately(like 9), so blood was pouring from her nose. Her whole face was actually covered in blood, and I couldn't tell where it was coming from. So I picked her up(Rory crying and screaming behind me because he was scared), and took her into the locker room of the pool. After cleaning her face up, I thankfully saw it was just a bloody nose. I don't think my white t-shirt is going to make it. All well! She's fine. And hopefully learned her lesson about walking in front of swing. The little girl was really upset, but I assured her Sydney was fine, and even got her to smile . What a day!