Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Recent pictures...

Rory petting a turtle at Sea World... Up a tree...

One of Rory's favorite things is to go to a nearby park and walk the train tracks...he could do that for hours. So we went and walked around and around.

Thought this was hilarious...typical man, hand down pants.

Silly kid.

My girl.

At La Jolla Shores for FHE on Monday, we had a blast with our friends! Sydney was obviously having a good time.

Playing in the sand/dirt/firepit ash..thought this was funny because Rory's friend Caden(on the right) had a raccon eye from rubbing the ash on his face...a little bit later he and his little brother Logan both had almost completely black faces. Out of all the kids, Rory stayed the cleanest, surprisingly!

Rory and Gene, they had just had a wrestling match, so thankfully they cooperated so I could get a picture of them being nice together.

What a good big brother...

I taught Joy school the week before last, and both days we learned about the Earth, so what better place to have our lessons than at a park? The first day we hit Old Poway, and then the second day we went to Lake Poway for a picnic. I had to add some of these pics in, they were just too cute, and we had a blast at the parks! One of our kids was out of town, but here's 4 of the 5 in our little school.
Here they are feeding the ducks/geese.

Hey all, here's some photos from the past couple weeks. Not anything too exciting happening, but we've been at Sea World a ton lately(and going again tomorrow). Figured we may as well get sea lifed out while we can, because as soon as summer break officially starts for the nation(next week maybe?) we don't go to places that draw crowds anymore for the rest of summer. We like to go when we have the park to ourselves!

Rory and Sydney are both doing great, Micah has been really busy with work, and I've been busy with all the fun day to day stuff that's been happening. I've had the priviledge(thanks Micah!) of having plentiful girls-nights-out over the recent weeks, so those keep me sane. Micah and I celebrated out 8th(count that, 8!!!) wedding anniversary. What a wonderful eight years it has been. We've had some extremely wonderful blessings lately, so lots to be grateful for!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer has begun

Summer has begun here in the Kim Household...even though we had May Gray and now June Gloom has set in, with a deep marine layer that lasts most of the day, we're not letting that get us down! We're living it up. Here's some updates:
Sydney is mobile! She does this cute little crawl where her right leg stays stuck underneath of her, and she pulls her bum along the floor. It's adorable. And she stands up along the furniture like a champ now, so looks like she'll be cruising before long. She plays peek-a-boo, claps, waves and says "hi," and loves cuddling with Daddy. She gets really excited when Rory comes in the room, and her whole face lights up. If he's there, she's a happy camper. She has a whole mouth full of teeth(7 with one more breaking through as we speak). She eats more than me most days. As of her 9 month appointment, she weighed in at just under 22 lbs, and measured at 28 1/2 inches. Still at the top of the charts. She's such a happy girl, and soaking everything up like a sponge. I can't believe how fast she's growing!
Rory is a crack up. He says things that amaze me everyday. He's so smart, he notices and remembers everything. He's got more energy than anyone I've ever known...like the energizer bunny. He'll say anything if he thinks he'll get a laugh from someone. He has his own opinion on everything, and has a comment for everything. He reminds me alot of myself, actually. Micah says that all the time... he has a fit if he doesn't get his way, and everything has to be just so. He is a very loving little boy, he tells me he loves me every 5 minutes...it's pretty funny. He likes to be tickled, cuddled, and thrown around. He loves music, books, and anything with wheels on it. He has the biggest imagination, I love that about him. He always pretends Gloria the Hippo(from Madagascar) is at our house. I've even tucked her into his bed before and helped Rory feed her lunch. Rory is VERY social, he'll talk to anyone that comes within his eyesight. He'll say hi to anyone a million times until they acknowledge him. It breaks my heart when he says hi to someone and they aren't paying attention and walk right on by without looking at him. I want to grab them by the collar and yell at them"Hey! Look at my beautiful boy and say Hi to him!!!!" Anyways, that got long, but it's easy to write a million wonderful things about your kids.

So Rory is taking swim lessons right now, he gets out of the pool after each lesson and runs over and says"I had SOOOO much fun at my lesson, Mommy!!" Now if only he'd sit still and pay attention, he would probably learn alot more! But he is doing well, it'll probably take a few more sessions to actually learn to swim, hopefully by the end of summer he'll have the basics down.
We're heading to Utah for Micah's family reunion next month, his family is camping, we booked a hotel. We always do when his family camps!! Micah is a smart man. he knows I would be extremely grouchy if I had to camp. No bed, no bathroom, no tv, no a/c= grumpy wife. But we'll have fun seeing everyone. That's about it for now!

Sydney stole my rootbeer popscicle.
Rory at his swim lesson...

Loed this pic of Sydney...

dad and Sydney chilling out.