Thursday, February 11, 2010


So I haven't posted in a few weeks, we've been busy, and then last week we all got really bad colds, and Rory's turned in pnuemonia this week, and Sydney has a nasty case of snot dripping from her nose. So needless to say, we've been stuck in the house since last Friday. :( NOT FUN at all!!  Hopefully everyone will be ready to get out by next week.
On to the pictures!!

Okay, first of all, I just had to show you my beautiful baby's hair. It's getting really long with the curls and, I wish I had her hair!! Sydney is one gorgeous little girl. Unfortunately, when we try to do anything to her hair, like put it in a cute ponytail, or comb it, or put a little clip or barrette in it, she immediately rips it out. So most of the time her hair is a little disheveled. All well.
Feeding ducks at the park...
And swinging.
Sydney loves her puppy..she carries him, or one of her many other dogs or dolls around. Her other favorite right now is Woody from Toy Story, or Nemo from Finding Nemo. We have a Woody doll, and she sleeps with him, and a Nemo book that she sleeps with. Silly girl. And let's just say all we do it watch Toy Story and Finding Nemo.
At the Mormon Batallion Center in Old Town(with Mema on the cannon):
Oops-sorry for the sideways picture, but with Mema, Aunt Lynnette, and Kaydence on the covered wagon.
Visiting our friend Izzy:
Mema took Rory bowling this past weekend for his first time. Unfortunately Micah and I were too sick to go, wish I could have been there! She said he did so good!!
Since we've been inside for almost a week, we've been watching lots of movies, plying lots of Wii games, making forts, and eating non-stop(okay, that was just me mostly). Anyways, here are the kids in their "nests" watching a movie.
Water play in the sink is always a hit...
And of course good old tickle time with Daddy.
Sydney and her cousin Kaydence and Grandpa Drury.

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