Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back to School!

Well, for us, just to school, not back. Rory started his first day of school today! Here's some pictures of the big event. He was so excited, and his new teacher, Mrs. Hafer, is so nice. He was put into the Kindergarten/First Grade Combination class. We will see how that goes. I think for him, it will be beneficial being around the older kids. Plus, he gets to go straight out to the big kid playground, and eat lunch with the big kids of the school, too. They have a seperate smaller area for kindergartners to eat and play, but he will bypass that completely.
We all walked him to school, and it was so fun to watch all of the kids line up and head to their classes.
 Had to show off his Lego Star Wars bacpack! He also has a Darth Vader lunchbox.

                                          He's now a Midland Rattler!