Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas festivities...

Rory thinks he's a wise man. The whole Family.
Dad and Sydney.
Mom and Sydney.
Rory drinking his cocoa...
So there is lots to do in the month of December....and I haven't really started yet!! Decorations... Check. Christmas shopping...still not done. I have no idea what to get for Rory!! Granted we're only getting him maybe one or two gifts, and Sydney maybe one little toy...but still, any ideas? I think books for sure(you can get a great deal on books on craigslist!!), and maybe a race track for his hotwheels. Let me know if anyone sees any good deals. Sydney...I'll just wrap up some of Rory's old toys..she doesn't understand anyways. ;)

We went to the temple on Friday night to see the Christmas lights..we were going to stay for the Christmas program thing they do, but Rory was climbing on everything and running around, so we saw the lights and made a quick exit so as not to ruin anyone else's experience. Kids...

I love this time of year, I have been drinking hot chocolate, and it's really yummy. Just take a mug of milk, put in a nice big handful of semi-sweet chocolate chips(I've been using Ghiradellhi), microwave for 2 minutes, stir, and put a tablespoon of hazelnut syrup(you can get in the coffee section of the store). It's soooooo good. Rory loves cocoa, too. And the weather is gorgeous today!! 59 degrees and overcast. I love it. Merry Christmas everyone!!


Lu said...

Its fun to hear you so in the Christmas spirit. I still haven't figured out how to have that Christmas feelin with this weather!! It is soooooo not Christmas to me. I already had Christmas with my fam in Utah so it just feels like its over. But maybe a trip to the Temple (I didn't know they had lights) and some hot well warm cocoa will do the trick.

Kevin and Kasey said...

What a cute family pic by the temple, Rory looks huge! I've never had hot chocolate like that, I will have to try it.