Friday, March 20, 2009

Long time no type...

Sydney with her friend Izzy...they have so much fun together!
Lost of hugs and kisses during our visits.We checked out a new park near Fiesta Island last week, Rory has been asking everyday since we went if we can go back.

Okay, check out Rory in this picture, he looks so cute...
And now he's throwing gang signs...what happened to my sweet, inncoent boy?
Sydney looks scared.

This is a lady I visit teach, Cressie. She LOVED having Sydney over, they hung out on Cressie's bed, and Sydney was loving all the attention from Cressie and her nurse, Emelda. Sydney's doing her fair share of service around the ward...she brings lots of smiles and joy to lots of people(especially me!)
Rory with his future girlfriend Rachel. This is our friend's Cameron and Jayda's new little addition.

Well, it's about time for a new blog entry. It's been a crazy few weeks, and just non-stop running around(or atleast it feels like it). Anyways, just day to day stuff. Sydney has been sitting up like a champ, and even inched her way over to some toys via crawling. She said "ball" the other day..although it sounded more like "ba," but we'll add that to the other two words "Mama" and Rory "Ra-Ra" that she's said over the last couple weeks. Ra Ra has been repeated several times, so I know that was no coincidence.
Rory has been busy with Joy school and riding his bike and scooter all over Poway. We're doing great here!


Lu said...

Sydney def brings asmile to people's faces. And Rory. . .he is lookin like a champ in his tie and suit coat. Lovin it!

Annalisa said...

love the picture of you with the kiddos. so cute! smiles!

Las Lunas said...

CUTE!! Sydney is adorable and Rory is going to be a lady killa!!