We had a wonderful day today! Micah and I came down with a bug of some kind on Friday, and we were both miserable Friday afternoon into Saturday, but today we're both recuperated, and just so glad neither of the kids caught it. Micah's parents were so sweet and came and picked up Rory on Friday night, and he spent the night and most of Saturday with them, which gave us a lot more time to rest, and Rory some quality time with his Mema and Grandpa Kim. He has been whining since he got home yesterday that he wants to go back, so we'll have to make this a more regular thing(is that okay Mom and Dad?) ;)
Anyways, because we didn't want to risk spreading any remaining germs, we decided to skip church today, so I got to sleep in this morning, and awoke to handmade cards from Rory, Sydney, and Micah. Micah even included a sweet letter(which he asked me to burn, but of course will not!!!). After the kids took their afternoon naps, we decided to get out of the house for a little bit, so we headed down to La Jolla to the children's pool to see the sea lions, and take a little walk. We kept seeing painted cows all over La Jolla.(We found out it's to raise money for Children's Hospital, you can actually buy one! Local artist painted each one, we saw at least 25 just down a couple of streets around downtown La Jolla.) Anyways, all Rory was concerned about was getting out of the car to see one while we drove by, so we stopped by one and he wanted to ride it, but unfortunately their was a sign that said no climbing...booo). So we sufficed with a picture next to it.
All in all, it was the best Mother's Day I've ever have two beautiful, smart, funny, and healthy kids, and a wonderful Husband that makes it possible for me to stay at home with them everyday. Thanks for that gift, honey!!
Fun!! happy Mothers day to you. I'm glad you got to sleep in. :)
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