Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Love My Kids and my Husband

Sorry it's sideways....but atleast she's happy! Rory making cookies for Daddy.
Eating the cookie dough...he licked those things clean, and when he was putting the cookie dough on the cookie sheets, ke kept eating mouthfuls when he thinks I wasn't looking, and as soon as I'd look, he's put the spoon down. Sneaky little guy.
Watching the cookies bake...he got bored after a minute or two.
Making valentine's with his buddies lance and Mia, and decorating cakes.
Grandpa dropped this Fireman's hat off, and he immediately ran and go one of his firetrucks...thought it was funny he decided to sit on it.

I am just so happy to have such a wonderful family...I'm so truly blessed with great kids and great husband. Anyways, had to get that off my chest...let's see, today was the first beautiful, clear day in almost a week. It's been pouring rain since last Thursday, which is wonderful, because I LOVE the rain, but not when you have kids that want to go outside and play. Then it's not fun to be inside for that long. Anyways, so while Rory was at Joy School, Sydney and I walked around Poway and did our errands(one of the fabulous things about where we live, we can walk to everything..parks, library,post office, grocery stores, Wal-mart, banks, movie theatre, restaurants, EVERYTHING, it's all within a couple blocks of our house). Anyways, so we enjoyed the fresh, cool air. Then after the kids naps we went ot the park and played until it was almost dark, and it was super cold by the time we left(the thermometer in our car said 54, but I swear it was 53).

We've got a lot to look forward to in the coming 2 weeks...as I've mentioned before, Disneyland!! AND, Rory's 3rd birthday is next week. He's such a big boy. And he's completely potty trained now!! One pee accident since we started. I'm so proud. He just walks right into the bathroom, hops up on the toilet, and goes. He even flushes and washes his hands afterwards. I'm just blown away at how easy this whole thing was. Oh, and his surgery was unfortunately rescheduled for the 25th of this month, I'm still hoping we can possibly do it next week(it was originally going to be tomorrow). He needs those ears drained ASAP...his hearing has been affected big time.

Other than that, here's some pictures from the last few days..Rory made cookies for Daddy(they were delicious), and his friends Lance and Mia were here(I have been watching them once a week for a while now), and they made Valentine's, and decorated their own cakes(Rosa, did you get the valentine's?). Sydney is doing great, just growing. Her two bottom teeth that she got in a couple weeks ago are so cute! I'll try to get a picture of them. So that's about it for the Kim's for the week.


Harrison Happenings said...

You are such a crafty Momma! Those valentine cakes look yummy, and how brave to have three mini's frosting at a time. Looks like fun at your house! We're coming over.

Lu said...

You are sooo making me want homemade cookies and Valentines day treats. Sounds like good cookin at your house!! I don't blame Rory for eating the dough. Happy almost Bday to Rory!!

Jeffrey and Brittany Luna said...

Nothin like making cookies in your underoos.

Kelsey said...

LOL, it's funny, but he's like me, as soon as we get home, our pants come off....it's just more comfortable!!

Danielle said...

So cute congrats on the potty training awesome. I am in the midst of that with Z right now good times

Demarcus Family said...

YAY! We made it to the rad people list :)
It was good to see you guys and your adorable kids, thanks again for dinner!