Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Aunt Kathryn with the babies.(What are they both looking at?) Wii Bowling night...dang my camera died, didn't get any photos of us bowling. I had a great victory dance, wish I had that on camera!!
He's looking, she's not. She's looking, he's not. I can't win.
Poll...please reply to this: Do you think it's gross to reuse bath water? Micah is demanding that we reuse the bathwater for the second child to have his/her bath. I think that's just nasty. He thinks I'm ridiculous to not do it, and says that EVERYONE reuses bathwater if they have more than one kid taking a bath. So...Gross, or not? I think I just threw up a little in my mouth thinking about reused bathwater.
Our little guitarist. He can already play Stairway to Heaven. (Well, it sorta sounded like some kind of tune...could have been that.)
He's really trying to look cool.
So last week was just horrible...I guess it's okay because we're all still alive, but EVERYONE was sick at some point. I was considering setting up a quarantine. I got really sick, then Micah, then Rory got another cold, and has another ear infection, which I can't do a thing about because he gets his surgery next week and can't take any antibiotics(which is fine, because I'm tired of him taking them). And Sydney, well Sydney has had a cold since she was born. Literally. Poor kid. We wash hands constantly, I disinfect surfaces everyday, wipe noses all day, well, if your a parent, you know. A never ending uphill battle, right? Anyways, hopefully the tubes Rory gets in his ears will make a huge difference. I can handle the sniffles, but not those horrid ear infections that poor boy keeps getting. Keep us in your prayers!!
So on a good note, my family had a Wii Bowling Tournament on Saturday evening, and I BEAT everyone good. I mean I slaughtered them. My highest score was something like a 240? Which is okay as far as scores go, but I think the closest score was only like a 180 or something...anyways, I think that was pretty darn good considering there were 8 of us who played, and my Mom and Dad practiced all week(mostly my Dad), and I hadn't played Wii bowling in at least a year. A fluke? Maybe. Most likely not, though, I'm just good. ;) Wow, I'm conceited, too.

So, we're getting closer to our Disney trip, we'll probably stay overnight for 2 nights, which will make it more of a vacation(which we all need right now!!) Rory keeps asking everyday if we get to go, and if it's his birthday yet. He's funny. And I think we have a guitar player in our midst... Micah bought me a guitar for my birthday a few years ago, and I never learned to play(one of the many items on my to-do list), so Rory wanted to have a shot at it. He's pretty good!! It rekindled my interest in learning to play, guess I better pull out my Esteban How to Play Guitar DVDs.LOL, I know, super lame, but who knows, if I can learn to play like Esteban, I'll be sorta good!!


Lu said...

I don't know if this is the same thing, but we put all 3 of our kids in the bath at the same time most of the nights. The twins always take a bath together. We don't have a problem with it at all. We are all about whatever is EASIEST!!! Do you ever put them in at the same time?
Anyways glad you had some fun this weekend and hope you are feelin better. I hope the tubes in Rory's ears make a HUGE difference!!

Jenny said...

I personally think reusing bath water is soooo gross BUT my parents did it with my brother and I and even my dad used to use the old water! ewwwwwwwwwwww so yes, I figure go ahead and do it, might as well save water and the kids aren't old enough for it to gross them out. (does giving them a bath together not work well?)

Danielle said...

Hey I just give my kids a bath together, it saves time and they love it. I have been doing it that way since Z was born. Anyhow since when did you care what Micah thinks, JK! Miss ya

Jeffrey and Brittany Luna said...

We bathe both kids together when possible, if not then it's usually a CLEAN tub of water... I wouldn't want to take a bath in someone elses used water. Gross.