Friday, October 31, 2008

It's late, it's been one of those days. Rory came down with some kind of virus, he started running a fever yesterday, and this morning it was 102 degrees, so off to the doctor we went. Thankfully the doctor said it's just one of the many viruses going around, his ears were clear, so no ear infections, etc. So we stayed inside AGAIN today, and watched lots of cartoons, and rested up. It was nice, all three of us(me, Rory and Sydney) took a nice long nap together in my bed this aftenoon, I'm sure it was a sight! I really hope he's better tomorrow so he can still go trick or treating, he's been looking forward to it for awhile now, and so has Mema..she's going to come and go with us. AND, our pumpkin rotted again!! It was so bad it collapsed in on itself. Should have gotten a picture, it was pretty funny looking. We just have bad luck with these pumpkins. Other than that, looking forward to the weekend so that Micah can lend a hand with the kids, and I can sleep in on Saturday!! Yay!

1 comment:

Lu said...

he's sick again!! so so sorry about that. Your blog was cute yesterday when i just had a second to peek, but today it is even cuter! Hope everyone including Rory gets to enjoy Halloween. Enjoy your weekend and your much needed extra sleep :)