Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sydney's first time on the swings at the park...she loved it! She didn't want to smile for the camera.
Sydney's cousin Kaydence came to visit along with her Aunt Lynnette(Kaydence's Mommy) and Aunt Kasey and Aunt Kathryn on Friday night for a girl's night. Kaydence is 6 weeks younger than Sydney, her built in best friend. They were enjoying just hanging out.
Aren't they cute?
On the trolly at thr park, the steam engine won't be running for a couple months. Rory loves the steam engine.
Dad and the kids.
He pooped!! yay!!
Yay! Rory finally went poo poo on the potty! We started a potty chart for him, where he gets stickers for going pee or poo on the toilet, and if he gets three stickers he gets to pick a prize out of the prize jar(little matchbox cars, lollipops, animal crackers, etc.). And if he gets 5 poops, Micah has promised we will take him to Disneyland(not my idea, i think it should be more like 50 poops before that happens...but whatever.) Rory wants to go to Disneyland, but not bad enough to poop on the we were super excited that he did tonight, just one more step in the right direction!!
Yesterday we went to the park and rode the train and had a picnic, so that was fun, and last night I got a much needed night out with my friends, we went to my favorite restaurant Miami Grille, and then went to the movies and saw a chick flick"Bride Wars." I'm usually not a huge fan of the typical girly movie, but it's a nice change every so often. I felt a little "un-feeling"(what's a better word, other than's not coming to me!!) when all three of my friends(and what sounded like all the other women in the theatre) were sniffling on either side of me, and I was sitting there thinking"oh please, it's so obvious what's going to happen next in this cheesy movie.." But Rosa, Luisa and Rachael(because I know you'll read this), I loved being with you, and that was the most important thing!! I'm so lucky to have such wonderful girlfriends!!! And dangit, I had my camera to take a picture of us out having a ball, so when in a few weeks I'm complaining I don't ever get out of the house by myself, I can look at the photo and remember I actually do get the opportunity, but I forgot to snap a photo in all the fun we were having.
Anyways, on to a new week!!

1 comment:

Lu said...

Kels!! Congrats on the poop in the potty! this is a BID DEAL. And your right, even if it doesn't happen again for a while its a step in the right direction. Good luck with that. Cute park pictures. Thanks for sending me one and for reals I agree with you on the movie we saw. It was fun, but very predictable and dramatic. It was awesome to hang with you guys. I don't know what I would do without all of you!!