Thursday, November 20, 2008

AHHHHHHHHHH(just had to get that out)

Do you notice she's almost as big as him? Crazy!

So Rory is sick AGAIN. Another cold and possibly ear infection. He's going to the doctor today to see, but he hasn't slept at all the last two nights which means neither have I or Micah. This morning I was about ready to run away!!(Without the kids). As we speak he's in his room screaming at the top of his lungs because the ribbon on one of his teddy bears necks came off again(because he keeps untying it). Anyways, he's supposed to be napping, but has been in there for over 2 hours yelling and calling for me to either fix his blanket, fix his bears, fix his pillow(fluff it up), sing him a song, get him water, fix his diaper(he keeps undoing one side of it), or anything else he can think of. I keep asking if he has owies anywhere to get an idea of if he's in any pain(to make me more sympathetic towards him..ANYTHING to make me less irritated at him), but he keeps saying no. He's been running around like normal, so I know he can't be feeling THAT bad, right? Anyways, just a vent... Atleast Sydney is a angel, she slept in this morning and is napping now, I am counting my blessings that I have ONE good child. Uggghh. Tomorrow night I finally get a much needed and deserved night away(me and my sisters and Mom are going to see the Twilight movie). I can't wait to have some me time!!!

Anyhow, above are some cute pics I took the other day of the two of them, Rory wanted to hold her, and Sydney actually seemed to enjoy the brother time!

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