Saturday, November 21, 2009

Finished product.

I finished painting the headboard and distressing it, and Micah brought it in today. I still have a long way to go in my bedroom, I still am going to get a swing arm wall lamp for each side of the bed, I am painting a tall bookcase that will go on the right side of the bed, new artwork or something for over our bed, plus new bedding and hopefully a new rug. I am buying things when I have the extra money, so it's a very slow process. Maybe by next Christmas it'll be done...(okay, hopefully it won't take THAT long!!!) Anyways, let me know what you think, it didn't distress as easily or exactly as I would have liked, because of all the details in the paneling made it a pain in the rear, but it's still fine.


Demarcus Family said...

looks great!

Debye said...

I LOVE IT, it came out great!!!!

Don't worry, it will all come together eventually.....then you'll want to redo it again in a year or so :o)

Debye said...

Oh, and helloooooo??? How am I not a RAD PERSON on your sidebar......jeesh!