Sunday, November 8, 2009

My hubba hubba husband...

I just love that play on words. So he finished building our headboard made from that old junky door and I just need to paint it. Any ideas on colors/finishes? I was originally going to do an off white(the color is pearl or something) to match the nightstand and I'm going to paint a tall bookcase to go on the other side of the bed that color, too. Anyways, but since the dresser was painted black and distressed, Micah thinks we should do the headboard that color, too(black and distressed). What do you all think? I'm so proud of his handiwork, it came out exactly like I imagined, and better! And please don't mind the huge mess of garage that you can's in desperate need of cleaning out and re-organizing.  Oh, and the two little holes from the door knob he filled and sanded, so those aren't there anymore.

So Micah is not known for his lovey dovey ways. He isn't a touchey feely type of person, nor does he hand out compliments on a regular basis. But I came home and found he had written "I love you beautiful" on our chalkboard, much to my pleasure. And he had cleaned the floor. The quickest way to my heart is to clean the floor!! Anyways, I left that up on the chalkboard for the past few days because it brought a smile to my face evrytime I saw it. Well, today after my leaisurely Sunday afternoon nap, I awoke to this slight change:

I was not aware that he wanted me to respond.

Yesterday was our wards Super Saturday, and I got to make this cute sign:

We just used scrap book paper(I doubled mine up to make it a little more interesting), and modge podged it onto a wood board, and used vinyl letters on top. Wow, I CAN do crafts!
And lastly, a few picutres of the kids at the park:

Until next time!


Elaine said...

I'm starting to think you are a little TOO crafty.... LOVE the new headboard!! So you're going to do a distressed black?? I think that would look really good. I still can't get over your dresser. I really really really want it. Please.. :)

Holli said...

love the craft and i think you should go for black.

Debye said...

I love the way it came out, your hubby is so handy! I think distressed black would look good but if you really were hoping for white you could always have a black distressed rub on it!

Annalisa said...

are you two in the marriage relations class?

Kelsey said...

Anna-Not now, we were a few months are now, aren't you?

Lu said...

Wow your headboard is AWESOME!! I couldn't quite imagine it when you were talking about it so i'm glad you posted a picture. And I LOVE how your sign turned out!
Hope you guys are doing ok, we sure missed you last night. :)

Las Lunas said...

That is freakin' awesome!! Way to go Micah!! I think the distressed black would be cute...